Outdoor Therapy

Being in nature has proven to benefit our mental health. The fluidity of being outdoors helps make the conversation flow. It offers a grounded and connected interaction.

Book Session

What is outdoor therapy, and how does it work?

Anything that moves away from the conventional office setting of one-on-one mental health counselling and takes it into natural surroundings can be considered outdoor therapy. Therapists and clients can choose to meet outdoors. 

Reframing the Conversation

Sometimes the reason outdoor therapy is effective is one of the simplest: It moves the conversation out of the office into a space where the patient can feel more comfortable. 

Being Safe in Outside Therapy

As with an indoor setting, confidentiality is assured, and sites picked provide enough space to offer to ensure that safely and confidently are addressed. Health and safety considerations have been placed as an essential part of the preparations. Locations have been identified because of added security features, e.g. KWS security rangers and clearly marked pathways. As with any therapy, outdoor therapy should be done with the guidance of a licensed counsellor. 

Benefits of Outdoor Therapy

Nature is an important need for many and vital in keeping us emotionally, psychologically and physically healthy.

Surprisingly, even watching nature documentaries has been shown to be good for our mental health, which means that the benefits of nature can be made available to nearly every one of us, no matter where we live.


Outdoor Therapy Site

  1. Ngong Road Forest Sanctuary 

  Sessions are scheduled for last Saturdays of every month between 12.30 pm and 2.30 pm

The client is responsible for the payment of their entrance fees.


   5,000/= PER PERSON

                      7,000/=- COUPLE/GROUP OF 3